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  3. Research projects

Research from science to society

We conduct applied research for ecologically, economically and socially sustainable growth in business and society. Research and development is the foundation of our operations. It represents half of our total activity, alongside our commissioned work. With a wide range of expertise, we work across the entire field of sustainability and our research ranges from traditional environmental science to economics, behavioural science and social science.

A person in a lab

More about the research at IVL

IVL conducts both grant funded research, EU-funded research and co- financed research.

The IVL office entrance and staircase full of card board cubes with the sustainable goals printed on them

The societal benefits of research

Research on sustainability issues drives positive social change. IVL turns science into reality and includes the UN:s Sustainable Development Goals in all our activities.

Flygfoto över Sundsvall

Project sites

Here you will find our ongoing and finalised project pages for large-scale and long-term projects

Ongoing research – here you can read more about some of our ongoing projects.

For more information on IVL's research, contact us

Porträtt av Stefan Pettersson

Stefan Pettersson

Head of research

Hanna Oskarsson

Hanna Oskarsson

Research coordinator

Kajsa Markstedt

Kajsa Markstedt

Research coordinator

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NOTE! For questions regarding job openings and thesis work, please visit https://career.ivl.se

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